
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Your Position

When God first approaches us, His first question is:  “Where art thou?”  Well what do
we answer?  We have to answer as Adam.  Make the confession of the thing that has brought us to the 
level, or the plane, or the position we find ourselves before Him. And so he answers, and he makes 
a confession of it.  He makes a real confession of it.  And on the basis of that confession, how 
many see that God is able to bring a blessing. What is it?  His answer.    His answer.  “Oh these 
leaves will never cover you Adam. You own where you are?”  “Yes”  “And you've tried to cover.”  
“Yes”  “Do you see how it is of no avail?”   “Yes.”   How many see a deep, lovely, confession of 
the whole situation?  Then after that, He says, “Well then come here.   I'll show you.”  That 
loving God, slays a little animal, takes it's skin and covers him.  How many see that is the first 
picture of Jesus?  That's the first picture of the Lamb slain.  That's the first shedding of blood  
for  this  redemption  of  this  man,  that  from  his  new  position,  now,  having answered the 
question, that was of God...why?  To provoke an answer.   What is the answer? A confession.  
Because your confession will become the platform upon which God may move once more.  And restore 
and bless, and do a thousand things for Him. How many can see that, just that one 
point? God uses this in the development of our whole Christian life and experience.  He 
works from a good, sound, foundation.  He starts with position.  And we have to own our position. 
It's quite difficult to do that sometimes, isn't it?  That's very difficult. We could make all 
other kinds of confessions.  But sometimes just to say, “I'm wrong,” that's the most difficult. 
There are people willing to be martyrs, and be hung up by their thumbs, rather than say, “I was 
wrong.”That's right.  They would do everything else, and cut their feet off, and everything!  
That's right.  This is silly, crazy, ego in here.  He is such a... watch out for him.  How many 
know he has a lot of religion, too?  How many know the Devil has religion, too?  Understands it 
very well.  Quotes scripture too, and is very “nice;” says at times he comes as an angel of light.  
Well people don't know that, they say, “The only time the Lord appears is when the Spirit falls, 
and everyone says, 'glory, glory, glory...,” then that's the Lord, but if somebody gets sick, then 
that's the Devil.  Aren't we funny? Oh, we're funny!  I deal with people and I say, “My goodness, 
you don't seem to know the Lord from the Devil.”  “Would the Lord do that?”  I say, “Well sure!  Go 
to the Bible.  Didn't He do a lot of 'funny' things?”  “Well...?”  Come on!  Didn't He?!! When He 
wanted to get ahold of Job, what did He do, let the Devil loose on him, didn't He?  He didn't come 
down to Job, and say, “Now dear brother Job, there is somewhat I have to say unto thee.  Thou art a 
perfect man, a lovely specimen, a great potential is in you.  I want to help you very much.” And He 
had a real conversation with Job, and He said, “Now get down Job, and I'll pray for you!  One, two, 
three... bumble bee!!!”  The Lord delivered Job!   He didn't do that.    
Its not quite as dramatic as that, but I mean the philosophy of it is going on that way. Yes it is. 
Yes it is. Using the very principle.   But they're disguised with “Hallelujah...”   Well the Lord
knows “hallelujah” too.  No, He says I can only get at you through this means. And He let the Devil 
loose on him.  “Oh... it's the Devil!  Oh, the Devil!!  Everybody cast the Devil out and all the 
demons!!!”  Now have a deliverance meeting of some kind and kill the Devil.  Well, they haven't got 
a deliverance meeting up to that.  I'm waiting for one where they really could kill him.  Wouldn't 
that be something?  I wouldn't go near the meeting; I couldn't take up with all that stuff.   But I 
kind of would like to peek through the knot hole to see it go over.  You can't play with God like 
that.  “In the word... ask what you will!!”  It does.  It says a lot of other things too.  So we 
won't play around in that field.  It isn't good.  Your reaction in that isn't good.  It will have 
to take weeks and months, and some people even years to get over it.
Name your position.  And go on.  And out of that, on that platform, God will come. God will come.  
He'll come on that platform.  But not one you're fixing up.  “Oh let's build a lovely platform now. 
 Hallelujah!! You pray, I pray, she prays, we pray, all pray... pray... all power, power, 
power....”  Oh no.  Sit down.  You'll never get a platform if you come on that.  He's way off in 
the heavens, and we say, “Well where is God?  We've got a platform all fixed for Him.  You've tried 
to regulate God and the Spirit long enough. Please stop.  I said the other day, people are praying 
a terrific, tremendous, super, expeditious moving of the Spirit of God!  And I stay behind and say, 
“Keep it up there, Lord.   You know how.”   I do.   Do you know what?   Because flesh doesn't know 
anything yet, and religious flesh--- especially!  God will pour out His Spirit in some lovely, new, 
beautiful moving, and six months from now that would be all channeled, named, and labeled.  That's 
true.  That's the way flesh is.  Now you know why I don't get in a lot of things.  I can't take it. 
 I'll be fair with you.  I can't take it.  I'm not geared to it.  I don't want to be mixed up with 
it.  No, flesh is like that.  It can't let God move as HE wants to.   It has to be cataloged, and 
fixed, and programmed, and labeled, and fuddled with and by that time the Holy Ghost is out and 
everybody says, “Where's the Lord?”  And I say, “Well for heavens sake, He got out of here ten, 
fifteen years ago!” Don't.  Sit down.  Don't ask me if you want to know.  I could tell you plenty 
of things, but you wouldn't want to hear them.  I could.  I could tell you plenty of things this 
morning, but you wouldn't want to hear them.  It would upset the faith of some of you, and I don't 
want you to 'backslide and go to hell,' so I'm just going to talk about nice things.   And pleasant 
things, you know.   I wouldn't dare to tell the truth, because people can't take truth.  They can't 
take it.  No they couldn't.  You aren't honest enough to begin with; you think you are honest.  
Would you like to have the truth come down and upset just about half the stuff you're mixed up 
with?  How many would like that? No, you wouldn't. You wouldn't. You couldn't take it. You live 
long enough, and God is going to get in there and upset a lot of things. Yes He will.  Some have 
already found it in their experience.  He's not done with any one of us.