
Thursday, September 6, 2012


One dimension of what it means to be spiritually mature,  is that one must be spiritually minded,  In order to function spiritually means that we have come into a degree of spiritual balance wherein we are living and walking in an ongoing personal relationship with our Savior, Jesus. It also implies that we have found our place in the Body of Christ, and both know and function in that position.  For us to be considered as being mature  means that we are living in absolute integrity, and have a positive testimony before all those who witness our daily walk. It is not enough that we present truth and revelation from the Word of God. The revelation may be genuine and true, yet unless it effects a change(becomes real) within the life of the one who received this quickened “word,” it is, in the words of I Corinthians 13:1, but “sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal. " Our consecration to the Lord, our  daily walk  with Him, our fellowship with the body of Christ , our relationship to the world in which we live, must be of such a quality  that all who witness this both see and hear a present day witness of His Kingdom and Lordship in our lives .