
Saturday, August 4, 2012

New Birth

By means of a “new birth,” we are reborn into the spiritual dimension of life, which God had originally intended.  As a part of our new birth, we have been provided with (spiritual) faculties, which enable us to function in our newly recreated spiritual life.  Through the proper use of these, we either prosper or suffer in varying degrees.

“As newborn babes, desire the sincere (pure) milk of the word, that you may grow thereby.”  I Peter 2:2

Through an act of regeneration by the Holy Spirit, we are born again into this new creation, as a spiritual baby.  Just as natural babies must develop their senses until they function properly, our spiritual senses, which are comparable to our physical senses, must also be developed.  If the totality of our desires and focus upon life is toward the temporal area, then only our physical senses will develop.

However, if the inner desire of our heart seeks that which is born of the Spirit, our spiritual senses will develop and function.  This will result in our being able to distinguish and understand spiritual things.  Whenever we respond to the spiritual (His presence), we will be infinitely better off than we would have been, if we had expended our time and efforts in seeking only the temporal realm of life.