
Friday, July 6, 2012

The wait is almost over

There is a heavenly and prophetic word that is being imparted to those who are seeking The Lord. It is for all of those who desire to go beyond their present spiritual experience. All who are responding to Him and spending more time in His presence are being given an ever increasing understanding of all that is about to take place in relation to the closing out of the Church Age and the establishing of the Millennial Kingdom. The Lord is preparing a people in this day, who are being made ready to function in this higher realm of spiritual authority, which will affect both the Church and the Nations.
At this present time, there are those who are being called to “come up” into the higher Spirit realm, which transcends the gift realm of ministries.  Thus, the gift of prophecy is becoming the spirit of prophecy.  The gift realm operates thru gifting, and is limited.  The Spirit realm operates through relationship, and is unlimited. Therefore, it is imperative that we spend quality time “waiting” in the presence of the Lord with an upward gaze that we might be able to hear and rightly respond. Jesus entered this world as a baby.  In His first coming, Jesus ministered through “grace” (Lamb).  In His second coming, He will minister in “power” (Lion). This end-time “dominion” will be given to an overcoming people who will have been lifted into apostolic authority with consequence.