
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Lean on Me

I believe all who desire to be overcomers will be tried by fire.We will be tested “if” we desire to come into this relationship of “submissive dependence” upon Jesus.  Those who choose to abide and remain in this position of “leaning upon Him” will then be led by the Holy Spirit into a specially prepared wilderness, (a place of spiritual barrenness) where we will develop a deep inner hunger (dissatisfaction), along with an intense desire (frustration), in some area of our being.Then at a critical moment, when it (apparently) seems to us that the Lord is no longer interested in our problem, and that He is (wrongly) delaying His answer, the enemy will be “allowed” to come and tempt us.  He will try to provoke us to act in some way to produce, or to bring about the satisfaction that we desperately long for, which is presently apart from the Lord’s provision for us.  If we will steadfastly refuse this temptation and stand fast, in due time, the Lord will feed (satisfy) us.
                   “But He knows the way that I take: when He has tried me, I shall come forth as gold.”  Job 23:10
          If we will be patient during our times of being tested, and “wait” for the Lord’s provision for us, then it can truly be said:
                   “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that love Him.”  I Corinthians 2:9

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


If we are hearing what the Spirit is saying to the churches in this hour, I am sure we are hearing above all else
the word, “PREPARE.” It is an hour of preparation. God always prepares His people when He is about to do
some new thing... and a “new thing” He is doing in the earth at this time.
Let us not get disturbed at the thought that God might be doing something new. Let us not think that our God
has exhausted His resources, as some would have us believe, when they tell us that God never does anything
new. He has always been doing new things. From the time He placed man on the earth, and unto this day, He
has been reaching into His own heart of wisdom and knowledge and truth and bringing forth new things. For

“Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of men, the things which God hath
prepared for them that love Him. But God hath revealed them unto us by His Spirit.” (1 Cor. 2:9, 10)

 Has our God finally expended all His treasures of wisdom and knowledge upon His people, so that now at this late
hour He has nothing more to say or do but to bring forth the old? Certainly we appreciate how God has worked of old,
but the true steward of the mysteries of God will continue to bring forth from his treasures “things new and old”
... for God is a God who reserves His very best for the last, and He bids us now to buy of Him “eyesalve to anoint our
eyes, that we might see” - that we might see and behold new workings, new unfoldings of His purposes, new insights
into His ways, new glimpses of His glory and presence.
“Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them.” (Isa. 42:9)

Hungry for Truth

It's possible, by the very attitude of our heart, to close the generosity of the Lord, because in our approach to Him we close Him rather than release Him or by the attitude of our heart we may come to Him and release Him. It is an inner discovery when every veil of flesh has been taken off and that inner spirit has been exposed to Him and you haven't even a shadow of cultured good flesh or religious flesh left that you're torn, like that, and when your spirit is exposed to Him, you'll get a vision of Christ Jesus. I pray that we will be stirred so that our heart becomes hungry for reality and truth, a fellowship with the Lord Jesus, an understanding of His Word, a lovely life in prayer. Something that’s fresh and liberating that He desires for each one of us. Lord make us sensitive to the moving of Your Holy Spirit. Give us a vision of who You desire to be in each one of us.Deliver us from the bondage of the "here and now". Lord cause us to walk in Your light. Lord may You possess every hungry heart afresh and anew as we respond to Your Spirit for Your Glory.
In the name that is above every name, In Jesus name I pray, Thank You Lord, Amen.

Friday, July 20, 2012

The Tree

There is a tree we are forbidden to eat from.
It is the tree of the knowledge of Good and evil (Who we were).

There is another choice. The Tree of Life (Who we are in Christ).
The fruit of the first tree is to know ourselves by our circumstance and our memory.
The Fruit of the second Tree is Life (His Life) and Peace (His Peace that guards our heart and mind).
The first tree says we are still alive.
The second Tree says it’s no longer I that live but Christ that lives in me.
The first tree says keep trying.
The second Tree says it is God Who is working in us both to “will and to do”.
The first tree is a lie.
The second Tree is The Truth.

John 8:32 And you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

He is working

The Lord is very busy, working deep within our lives and circumstances. We have all began to feel a “tug” at our heart to enter into a new level of commitment and relationship. This is because The Lord had placed this desire within, as He knew that when the right time came, we would give Him specific permission to work in our lives and do as He pleases. He is the “workman,” but He will not work within our lives unless we give Him permission to do so. I pray that His “election” upon our lives may have its full outworking, so we can have our part as a company of overcomers joined to the King of all kings, to bring Him forth into open view, as every knee bows.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Alpha and Omega

Spiritual reality has this outstanding characteristic, that it bears no mark of time. The time factor vanishes the instant you touch that reality. From the human point of view there is such a thing as prophecy, but from the Divine viewpoint no such thing exists. "Thou art my son; this day have I begotten thee" (Ps. 2.7). With God it is always "this day." Our Lord says, "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end" (Rev. 22.13). He is both together, both at once. It is not that at one time He is first and at another time He is last. He is first and last simultaneously. Nor is it that having been Alpha for some time, He becomes Omega later on. to the contrary, He is Alpha and Omega from eternity to eternity. He is always first and last; and He is always Alpha and Omega. In the sight of man He is not Omega till He is manifested as Omega; but in the sight of God He is Omega now. With man, the past and the future are separate; with God they synchronize. The "I" of yesterday differs from the "I" of today; and the "I" of tomorrow differs further still. But "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, yea and for ever" (Heb. 13.8). God is the eternal "I Am." It is here that the knowledge of God comes in.

Saturday, July 14, 2012


We human beings possess the greatest of defects, which is, that we tend to measure God’s heart by our own. Our human heart is one of law, not one of grace. We always imagine God as having a heart like ours, hence we often misunderstand Him.
We must be clear as to what grace is: (a) Grace is not given to whoever is deserving. “Now to him that worketh, the reward is not reckoned as of grace, but as of debt” (Rom. 4.4). Stated conversely, though, to him who does not deserve and yet to whom is given, that is grace. If it is deserved, it cancels the very idea of grace. Grace is what it is because there is not the tiniest element of merit in it. “For by grace have ye been saved” (Eph. 2.8). To save the undeserved is grace. “Being justified freely by his [God’s] grace” (Rom. 3.24). What is meant by “freely”? In the original Greek, “freely” is the same word as is translated “without a cause” in John 15.25 where the Lord is recorded as saying, “They hated me without a cause”, quoting from the Old Testament. To say that the grace of God justifies freely simply means that God justifies us without any cause or reason. “The scripture shut up all things under sin” and “God hath shut up all unto disobedience” (Gal. 3.22; Rom. 11.32). God has placed all men on the same footing so that none may be saved by works (that is, by doing good), but that all must be saved by grace. Were you to ask Paul how he was saved, he would surely answer that he was saved by the grace of God. Were you to ask all the saints the same question, they would all give the same answer: saved by grace. God saves us without a cause; and this is grace.
(b) Grace is not given to supplement what is lacking in man. “Not of works, that no man should glory” (Eph. 2.9). This does not mean that there need be no good works after being saved; it simply indicates that man is not saved by works. If man were saved by works he would surely have something of which to boast. Were he saved with just ten percent of works, man would have ten percent of boasting but God would lose ten percent of glory. Yet God will not share His glory with man. He hates man’s self-bragging, for His purpose is for Him himself to be glorified. Hence the grace of God is not supplementary to what is lacking in man.
Grace is neither given to him who is deserving nor given as a bonus to the deserved. It is neither a fair reward nor an overabundant recompense. The question of “deservingness” or one’s worthiness has absolutely no common ground with grace. To receive grace is to cast aside completely this matter of worthiness. The thought of anyone’s being more or less worthy to be saved is entirely unfounded. Concerning salvation, none is able to obtain the grace of God by any works of his own.
People often think if they try their best to do good and to keep the law, that they can then depend on the grace of God for what they cannot do. This is plainly a depending on works for a certain percentage and on grace for a certain percentage. On one occasion a man was heard to declare: “We must keep the Ten Commandments, or else we cannot be saved.” “Have you ever violated the commandments?” he was asked. “Indeed, I have.” “What, then, do you do?” “What I cannot do, I rely on the grace of God for,” said he. Such thinking shows an ignorance of grace.
That young man in Matthew 19 asked the Lord Jesus: “What good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?” And the Lord said to him: “Keep the commandments.” Having heard that this young man had observed all these things, the Lord then said: “If thou wouldst be perfect, go, sell that which thou hast, and give to the poor.” In hearing this the young man went away sorrowful, because he could not do it (vv. 16-22). Truly, if a person desires to be saved by keeping the law he must do it “all”. He not only must love God with all his heart, all his soul, all his mind, and all his strength, but must also give away all he possesses without exception. But if he depends on the grace of God, he should rely on it wholly. It is never done partly by man and partly by God, for the grace of God is not to supplement the inadequacy of man. It is a case of either purely the grace of God or entirely the works of man. It cannot be partly of man and partly of God.
Why is this so? Because the Lord Jesus has already died. As God has put all sinners on the same footing, therefore, when the Lord Jesus was crucified, God “laid on him the iniquity of us all” (Is. 53.6). The problem of sin is thus solved once and for all. For this reason, man cannot trust in his own merit before God; otherwise the work of Christ would be overturned as though He had died in vain.
(c) Grace is not withheld because of the lack of merit. (This is quite similar to the first point of this question; only here, the matter is approached negatively.) On the contrary, grace is given because of man’s unworthiness. It is only at the time when man knows his utter helplessness that he will cry out for grace. It is also at this juncture that God will dispense grace. If a man himself has the strength he will not think of asking for grace, and so God need not give grace. Consequently, the lack of merit will not in any way hinder God from giving grace; quite the opposite, it is the sole condition for God to grant His grace.
“Grace is boundless mercy shown in boundless goodness,” one brother has said. What is grace? Grace is that which flows from the top to the bottom. What is love? Love is a treating as equal. What is respect? Respect is that which is shown to those who are over you. But grace flows downward. Grace has only this one direction. In order to obtain the grace of God, you must acknowledge yourself as a helpless sinner—this alone gives you the qualification for receiving God’s grace.
Many dislike grace because it requires a humbling act on their part. Grace compels you to concur that you are the worst person. For just as no inverted cup can receive water, so no proud person is able or willing to accept the salvation of God. We need to admit our uselessness before we can receive the grace of God.
(d) Grace is not given less to the less deserving. (This is the opposite to what the second point of this question speaks about.) God does not overlook the problem of man’s sin. As a matter of fact, He is most strict, definite, and thorough in His dealing with man’s sin. Through His Son He has dealt most completely with this problem. Hence how can there be raised the question of deserving or not deserving, the matter of being more worthy or less worthy? The grace of God never questions man’s “undeservingness”. Before God, all men are the same, and all may have His grace.
Since God will not withhold grace because of man’s unworthiness (rather, He gives grace for that very reason), how can He ever make any distinction among the unworthy ones as to who are the less unworthy and who are the least unworthy in His dispensing of grace?
God will not give less grace to those who sin more and more grace to those who sin less. For grace is not used by God to mend the holes of sinners. In the realm of grace, both the sinner himself and his works are completely set aside.
Since grace is gratuitous, it is not at all conditional on the state of the recipient. He on his part does not earn grace for any reason whatsoever. Grace is not withheld because of the lack of merit. It has absolutely no relationship to the condition of the recipient. It will not be given in less measure to the comparatively more unworthy. Otherwise, grace would be conditional on the state of the recipient. Hence grace is given neither according to the man himself nor according to his relative position with other people. God’s grace is so vast and measureless that it is intended for all kinds of sinners. Those who consider themselves as fairly good need the grace of God as much as those who are looked upon as the chief of sinners.
People may perhaps speculate that the better ones certainly deserve a little more. But according to God, all are the same. For example, several bowls fall to the ground and are broken. Some may break into two pieces; some, five pieces; and some, into powder. Although their broken condition varies, they are all broken nonetheless. Whether you are “a little better” sinner or you are “the worst” of sinners, you are nevertheless a sinner. The Bible declares that all have sinned. In sending the Lord Jesus to the world to die for sinners, God gives opportunity to all sinners to be saved. Even if there is but a single man in the entire world who needs to be saved, God is still willing to send His Son to die for him. Does not the parable of the shepherd seeking the one lost sheep tell us that he leaves the ninety-nine and goes after the one lost sheep? (Luke 15.3,4) As long as you are a lost sheep, and regardless of your being a great or a small sinner, you need the Lord Jesus to die for you.
(e) Grace does not make the recipient a debtor. When someone advances a certain amount of money to you and lets you enjoy it temporarily but requires you to repay the same amount afterwards—that is called a debt. Wages are dispensed according to your works. Grace is neither given as wages according to your works nor lent temporarily as debt to be repaid afterward. God saves us by grace; our salvation is not something God lends out to us. If it is lent, it must be repaid by us later on; but then it cannot be considered as grace. Grace does not mean that, seeing our current lack of merit in works, God lends us salvation at first but requires us to keep our salvation by adding on to it our merit afterward. For grace charges nothing—past, present, and future. Should God give us something now but require us to repay in the future, it is then a debt and not grace. But the grace of God is given freely to all the undeserved, without charging anything at any time.
People conceive an incorrect idea: yes, we are saved by grace, but we must thereafter keep this salvation by our own selves. This is an error. The Bible never tells us that God’s grace has made us debtors. “The free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Rom. 6.23). What is the nature of this eternal life? It is a gift. In other words, it is something which God bestows as a gift. Must it be repaid? Let us be clear that, it not being a debt, grace needs no repayment neither now nor many days later. This is not meant to imply, of course, that a Christian does not need to have good works or to serve God with faithfulness. After one is saved, he should perform good works and ought to serve God faithfully. Yet the motive behind such actions is the love of Christ, and the power for doing these things is the Holy Spirit. Good works and faithful service we must have, but they are not for the sake of earning salvation nor for the sake of keeping salvation. The works of a Christian are not used to pay back the debt of salvation which God has given. Just as God saves us out of His love for us, even so must we serve God out of our love for Him. Just as God does not give salvation as a loan, so we do not serve God faithfully as a form of repayment.
How many there are who do not understand the grace of God clearly! They assume that before one is saved, and though he is unworthy, God is still willing to save him; but that after he is saved he has to do good, or else God will withdraw His salvation. This is like a purchase which is made on the installment plan. The merchandise is first delivered and subsequently payments are made by installment; failure to pay on time will result in confiscation of the merchandise by the seller. Such a concept plainly distorts the grace of God. When we are saved God gives us eternal life; yet He never asks us to pay back by installments, nor will He take His salvation back even if we perform no good deeds afterward.
Moreover, since eternal life is a gift, how can anyone speak of repaying? Such a word is certainly wrong. We serve God out of love. For instance, suppose my father gives me a gift and yet I say I will repay him. I save for months and years to accumulate enough money to pay him back. By so doing, however, does it not turn out that I am in reality buying that gift? Grace never charges anything, else it would not be grace at all.
(f) Grace does not directly absolve a sinner’s sin. This matter is frequently misunderstood by many believers. They reckon that God forgives the sins of a sinner out of His liberality. Not at all. In forgiving a sinner God is not compromising, nor does He pretend either to be deaf or to overlook anything. This the Bible clearly never says. “As sin reigned in death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Rom. 5.21). Sin reigns by itself, but grace reigns through righteousness. Grace does not reign by its own self. Let it be known that God not only has grace but He also has righteousness. He delights in having men saved, but He also delights in protecting their salvation with righteousness. He gives grace to us not because of His carelessness, but because of His having solved the problem of our sin.
If we mistake God’s grace as His liberality, then the cross of Christ is both unnecessary and meaningless. True, there can be no cross of Christ without the love of God. Yet God’s love alone, in the absence of His righteousness, will never demand the cross of Christ. God is very much aware of our sins; He cannot overlook them. And since we have no way of solving the problem of our sins, God causes His Son to bear them in His body upon the cross in order to have the problem of sin solved forever. This is the grace of God. God’s grace solves the problem of sin first before it absolves sin. The Lord must die as our substitute that we may be saved.
A sinner is reckoned as such because (1) his conduct is bad; (2) his nature is corrupted; and (3) God’s righteous law has so judged. In saving a sinner, God must (1) forgive the sins of his bad conduct; (2) regenerate him by giving him a new life; and (3) justify him. Now the Lord Jesus has already suffered the penalty of sin and died for us; therefore God cannot but forgive us. It is an erroneous concept among some people that we need to turn the heart of God by much begging. Not so. We are forgiven because God’s righteous wrath over our sin has already been discharged upon the Lord Jesus. We may therefore praise and thank God, saying, that since the Lord Jesus has already been judged and that righteousness can demand penalty only once, we shall not be penalized anymore.
(g) Grace does not absolve directly a believer’s sin. The principle involved here is the same as the foregoing one. After a person is saved, if he is incidentally overcome by sin and later repents of his sin, he does not obtain forgiveness through constant begging. It is not by asking God to make provision for forgiveness today; rather, it is by believing in what Christ has already done on the cross. God is righteous; He cannot but forgive those who have accepted salvation since the Lord Jesus has already died. So, if a Christian should inadvertently sin, he needs to be clear on the following four points: (1) that he receives forgiveness by confessing his own sin (1 John 1.9); (2) that forgiveness is available for all sin (1 John 1.7,9—noting especially “cleanseth us from all sin” and “cleanse us from all unrighteousness”); (3) that before he prays, God is already willing to forgive, because the Lord Jesus acts as the believer’s Advocate with the Father (1 John 2.1,2); and (4) that God thus forgives and cleanses because of His faithfulness and righteousness on the one hand and because of Jesus Christ the Righteous on the other.

Friday, July 13, 2012

The Word

The word of God alone is true. Even if circumstances should all be against you, His word remains true. When you have problems with your home, school, business or personal needs, your prayers will be in vain if you do not believe God’s word. You have not, because you pray not. You pray and still have not, because you do not believe in God’s word. It is a waste of time to pray without believing in the word of God. In order to receive God’s grace, one thing which is so necessary is to lay hold of His word.
You believe and God performs. Whenever something confronts you, you must ask Him to give you a word. And then with His word, you shall be able to break through any problem whatsoever. To have God’s word in such a manner is to possess the sword of the Spirit. Almost all the armor mentioned in Ephesians 6 is for defensive purposes; only the sword of the Holy Spirit, "which is the word of God," is for offensive use. Having God’s word, you can overthrow every obstacle and solve all problems.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Time Out

There are unending demands on our time, which keeps us earth bound, and unable to take the necessary time to “ascend” and receive of His life and strength. These things need attention, but in the end, they will all be left behind, for they have no value in relation to eternal things.

Friday, July 6, 2012

The wait is almost over

There is a heavenly and prophetic word that is being imparted to those who are seeking The Lord. It is for all of those who desire to go beyond their present spiritual experience. All who are responding to Him and spending more time in His presence are being given an ever increasing understanding of all that is about to take place in relation to the closing out of the Church Age and the establishing of the Millennial Kingdom. The Lord is preparing a people in this day, who are being made ready to function in this higher realm of spiritual authority, which will affect both the Church and the Nations.
At this present time, there are those who are being called to “come up” into the higher Spirit realm, which transcends the gift realm of ministries.  Thus, the gift of prophecy is becoming the spirit of prophecy.  The gift realm operates thru gifting, and is limited.  The Spirit realm operates through relationship, and is unlimited. Therefore, it is imperative that we spend quality time “waiting” in the presence of the Lord with an upward gaze that we might be able to hear and rightly respond. Jesus entered this world as a baby.  In His first coming, Jesus ministered through “grace” (Lamb).  In His second coming, He will minister in “power” (Lion). This end-time “dominion” will be given to an overcoming people who will have been lifted into apostolic authority with consequence. 

Monday, July 2, 2012

The Law of Life

Romans 8:1-2
There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

That the Christian Life is not lived by will-power is a lesson many believers are exceedingly slow to learn. Consciously or unconsciously they depend on their own strength of will in order to maintain the standard which they believe to be the Christian standard.

The man who is presented to us in Romans 7 was one who drew upon his will-power in order to live a triumphant life. His will was set to do the will of God. He was bent on doing good and shunning evil; but he was under a serious misapprehension. He thought that to shun evil and to do good was a matter of determination. He had not seen that doing evil is the natural outworking of the one law and doing good is the natural outworking of another law; therefore human effort to please God is futile.
Many Christians, like the man in Romans 7, are intent on pleasing God and, like him, are amazed that, despite their fixed desire to please Him, they constantly do things they know must grieve Him. They can say as he said: "Not what I would that do I practice; but what I hate, that I do." Oh, if only they could realize that will-power is not the power for Christian living!

Brothers and Sisters, perhaps some of you are unaware that you are trying to live the Christian life by drawing on your own resources. Let me ask you: When you meet a difficulty do you not pull yourself together in order to overcome it? Do you not keep a firm hold on yourself lest you act in any way that is unbecoming to a child of God? Are you not all the time exercising care lest you lower the Christian standard? The trouble is, we are trying to DO certain things in order to BE a certain kind of person. We have reversed the order. A Christian should ACT as a Christian because he IS a Christian. The right kind of Life spontaneously produces the right kind of behavior.
Do you not see where the trouble lies? We are trying all the time to counter the tendencies of our natural life. Little wonder that the strain is too much for us!