
Friday, June 1, 2012

The Gift

The greatest gift and blessing that we possess
is our sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and our hunger for

communion with The Lord.

Unless we maintain a time of active daily communion and

 fellowship with our Lord, this “hunger,” along with the
 anointing that enables us to unlock and understand the
 deeper levels of revelation within the Word of God, will
 gradually fade until we are left spiritually barren.

“Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young
 men shall utterly fall: But they that wait upon the Lord
 shall renew their strength….”  Isaiah 40:30-31

To maintain our spirituality, it is essential that we set apart
 a specific time and place in which to “wait upon the
 Lord.”  As we do this, we will be “re-charged” spiritually.
  Just as a battery that has been discharged through use
 must be re-charged, so also, we must hold ourselves before
 the Lord, to allow His life and power to flow back into our