
Sunday, May 6, 2012


The pathway of our spiritual life can be considered as being an upward spiral. If we take a large wood screw and place one of our finger nails at the edge near the point and run it along the surface, we will gradually progress to the head. Though it may seem to us that we are going in circles, as we continue to make right decisions, we are progressively moving upward. If we do this in reverse and feed the carnal aspect of our being, it will lead us ever downward.

There are those who bear witness of having within them a quality of spiritual life. It may not be apparent as to why this is so, but if inquired into, these would testify that through the struggles of life, they have been making quality decisions of spirit, which is bringing them into an increasing fellowship with the Lord in His Throne.

“For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. For he that in these things serves Christ is acceptable to God, and approved of men.” Romans 14:17-18

The Kingdom of God begins with righteousness. As we make the right choices, we place ourselves on a “platform” called righteousness. Due to an accumulation of these righteous choices, we discover within us an abiding inner peace. This results in the approbation, or favor of God, and joy is manifested.

Our submission to His government will lead to our becoming a partaker with Him in His Throne. In this realm, our decisions do not have as much to do with right or wrong as they have to do with the motives that underlie right and wrong. It is here that the final test of our union with Him will find its outworking.

If we truly overcome in this area of our being, we will in that day find ourselves seated with Him in His Throne.

First, we are tested concerning right or wrong. Then, as we progress up the spiral, we are tested in the motives of the heart which provoke the things that manifest as right or wrong. It is not enough to deny only the “thing,” we must overcome the very principle that allows it to abide within us and assert itself.

Those who are satisfied with being blessed and going to heaven have their reward (streets like gold and mansions). But for those who intensely hunger for this higher level of spiritual reality, there is much more. These, in the place of pressure, will deal with the issues of their heart, so in that day as an overcomer, they will be found in the Throne, seated with Him.

“And have made us to our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.” Revelation 5:10