
Monday, April 9, 2012

Our Part

It is the issue of "Relationship" that is of primary importance to our heavenly Father. It is the highest purpose for the creation of man that He might have fellowship with those who will freely yield their will to the will of the Father. It was from the place of intimate fellowship with the Creator that Adam was given Dominion of the Earth. It was the Fathers good pleasure to come in the cool of the evening to visit with His son and view the progress Adam made while dressing the garden. What a beautiful picture for us in our High calling.

(Php 3:10 JM-NT) to intimately and experientially know Him, and the ability (power) of His resurrection -- even the [other MSS: a] common sharing (participation, partnership and fellowship) of His experiences (which include passions and sufferings) -- being a man that is being continuously conformed to (being brought together with the form of; being configured to) His death,

It is from a place of trusted fellowship and intimate relationship that true spiritual authority is derived. We’ve made it far too complicated. Our calling and privilege for this generation is to develop a heart to know Him personally and hear His Voice for ourselves. No other formula or strategy will accomplish this. Each of us must answer the call within and give full and free expression to His life. It is not without cost. The cost is your life for His life. Lay yours down and take up the cross and follow Him. It is from this position of relationship that we come into fellowship with His body. The anointed word flows out of each of us as each joint supply's His Church. Our prayers for each other, Our praise for Him, Our witness to the world are all elevated to a higher realm as we each do our part. If we build Him a house of devotion He will flow through us in a ministry without measure!

Eph 4:16 For it is under His direction that the whole body is perfectly adjusted and united by every joint that furnishes its supplies; and by the proper functioning of each particular part there is brought about the growing of the body for its building up in love.