
Monday, March 12, 2012

Present Truth

Today also, there are those within the Church who have fully committed the totality of their being to the Lord, and are being called apart to receive a fresh word from the Lord.  This speaks of the absolute necessity of our receiving a “present word” concerning preparation (our being an end-time corporate John the Baptist), to become a witness of the Lord’s manifest presence in these last days.  Therefore, we must make the right choices to bring this witness into its full expression, first within and then through us.
 This religious system, which the Lord by-passed, had experienced the glory of God and had received much by direct revelation from the Lord.  However, they became dependent upon past experiences for their present standing with the Lord.  The fact that the Lord had moved through them in the past was not enough to equip them for the present need.  They were incapable of hearing a present word concerning the soon to appear “Lamb of God.”
 During this present time, there are those who are being called apart concerning the soon to appear “Lion of the tribe of Judah.”  Therefore, there must be within each of us a present seeking of the Lord, even though we may have received much revelation from Him.  Yesterday’s revelation is not enough to prepare us to face today’s problems and pressures.