Because of Adams choice to be independent from God, we have developed a “self.” It is a self of human origin, carefully crafted out of self-effort and based on human accomplishment or what significant people have said about us. This self, however, is not our true self. Jesus said if you will lose that false self for His sake, you will discover your true self. Heres who we really are.
Ephesians 1:4 "just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love."
2 Timothy 1:9 who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began.
We were chosen in Christ before the world existed. He prepared a place for us in His Divine purpose. He set aside grace to enable and empower us to fulfill His purpose for our life. All of this was in Him ... in Christ Jesus. Your true self is a New Creation in Christ. You’re not who you think you are ..... unless your mind has been renewed to who you are in Christ. Your spirit is the real you. Born of God. Born of the Word. Born of the will of God for a foreordained purpose. You have a place in God’s plan and purpose. Discovering your place and purpose is life's journey back to the heart of the Father.
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
My family and I partake of communion each day at home. We have a time of preparation so we can effectively partake. We speak of the Lord together and all the people He has put in our life. We speak of the needs of the body for His life that we are about to receive. A song of love for Him rises within and we are lifted into the presence of the Lord and His life begins to flow into our lives. This time of preparation before we partake lifts us from the natural realm into the spiritual. For us to receive the literal body and blood of Jesus we must “exchange realms”. To “commune” with Our Lord is an “intimacy of the heart”. Jesus speaks and we listen, then we speak and He listens and a flow begins as we enter into “communion” with Jesus and become one with Him, as being a branch that is properly attached to the vine we are able to partake of His life. During this time we are “made to know” that apart from Him we can do nothing so “true repentance” of the heart from “dead works” and “dead words” takes place and we are changed by “His Life”. “Of Him, Through Him and Back to Him”…that is the path of His “life giving spirit".
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
As the glorified Jesus Christ finds a habitation within us, a life-giving river of the Spirit of God gushes from our innermost being. “My words are Spirit, and they are life...the word of God is living and energetic, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit...” John, in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, saw Jesus Christ, “his voice as the sound of many waters...and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword” (Revelation 1:15-16). The same Spirit of God who strengthens the inner man weakens the outer man. The same Spirit of God which empowers the new creation man devastates the old creation man. The same Spirit of God communicates the wisdom of God and confounds the carnal mind. The same Spirit who anointed Jesus to heal the sick, raise the dead, and cast out demons, led Jesus to the cross. This same Spirit of God, burns in us the outworking of all that Jesus accomplished on the Cross.
“Father God…Draw us to walk on the narrow path of your will that this same Spirit might burn a path through our soul that your life might be released. Lord Jesus, we want to know you…we long for your appearing…quicken our mortal bodies that we might fully redeem the time we have been given. We love you Lord and we desire your presence above all else.”
“Father God…Draw us to walk on the narrow path of your will that this same Spirit might burn a path through our soul that your life might be released. Lord Jesus, we want to know you…we long for your appearing…quicken our mortal bodies that we might fully redeem the time we have been given. We love you Lord and we desire your presence above all else.”
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Spiritual Reality
God sees our heart. Because we invited Him in and gave Him permission
to have His way, His hand is released to move in our life. Through many circumstances both big and small we are “pushed” out of our “comfort zone” into the realm of the Spirit. Our sensitivity to the “Spirit” does not involve our “natural” senses. So we are taken into the wilderness where many of Gods dealings are about “reducing us” and bringing us to the end of our reliance upon ourselves, our strengths, our ideas, our abilities. Blessed are the “poor in spirit” (Mat 5:3) said another way… we are blessed as we move beyond the “milk of salvation” and embrace “the meat” of Gods dealings in our life that have one purpose to bring us to the absolute end of ourselves. Being poor in spirit is not thinking less of ourselves, it’s actually not thinking of ourselves at all. The wilderness time is not wasted time. Through it our soul is broken and becomes quiet and no longer oppresses the spirit but is now available to give expression to His life. It is at this moment that our "judicial position" with Christ begins to be our "spiritual reality"
Gal 2:20 “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.”
to have His way, His hand is released to move in our life. Through many circumstances both big and small we are “pushed” out of our “comfort zone” into the realm of the Spirit. Our sensitivity to the “Spirit” does not involve our “natural” senses. So we are taken into the wilderness where many of Gods dealings are about “reducing us” and bringing us to the end of our reliance upon ourselves, our strengths, our ideas, our abilities. Blessed are the “poor in spirit” (Mat 5:3) said another way… we are blessed as we move beyond the “milk of salvation” and embrace “the meat” of Gods dealings in our life that have one purpose to bring us to the absolute end of ourselves. Being poor in spirit is not thinking less of ourselves, it’s actually not thinking of ourselves at all. The wilderness time is not wasted time. Through it our soul is broken and becomes quiet and no longer oppresses the spirit but is now available to give expression to His life. It is at this moment that our "judicial position" with Christ begins to be our "spiritual reality"
Gal 2:20 “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.”